Tuesday, 30 June 2009 00:31

Amador Water Agency

slide2.pngAmador County – The Joint Water Committee heard a report Monday that the Amador Water Agency has backpedaled in its seeking a water and wastewater sub-element in the Amador County General Plan update. The joint committee’s Amador County supervisors heard an update of the AWA’s wishes, from Engineering & Planning Manager Gene Mancebo, who said a subcommittee of the board looked at all the draft General Plan’s public comments on water and wastewater. He said Amador County Planner Susan Grijalva gathered all of the notes, and gave them to the subcommittee, including AWA Chairman Terence Moore, Director Debbie Dunn (District 4), Mancebo and AWA staffer John Griffin. Grijalva said policies and goals related to water and wastewater came from various elements, including conservation, land-use and open space elements in the draft plan. She said a similar compilation of reference points can be given for businesses attempting to get general plan information on the county. She said the compilations “will be helpful to us as we evaluate applications.” She said they could those water and wastewater policy compilations as “hand-outs” at the planning department for businesses. Dunn, who was sitting on the Joint Water Committee in Moore’s absence, said that when Moore “heard people could come up and get all the information in one fell swoop,” he said “boy, let’s leave it where it is.” He was convinced to not pursue a separate water or wastewater element. Supervisor John Plasse asked about AWA’s wish to have a separate sub-element, with an offer of staff assistance to do that. AWA board Vice President Bill Condrashoff said “we pulled back completely from our sub-element.” Grijalva also asked that a Calaveras County draft water and wastewater element be marked to show changes made by the AWA subcommittee, including changing of words and adding of sentences. Dunn said it was decided that, rather than underlining all the changes they made, that they should give the county “a clear copy” of the document. Plasse said for the Supervisors and county planning commissioners, it would be best to have a redacted copy. Grijalva suggested strikethroughs, underlines and font changes to show the changes. Supervisor Chairman Ted Novelli said he would like to see someone attending the county General Plan update meetings who can speak to the panel on behalf of the Amador Water Agency. The Amador joint General Plan committee meets again July 8th. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.