Thursday, 25 January 2007 02:01

Jackson Police Department: Zero Tolerance For Station Driveway Blocking

The Jackson Police Department is giving motorists fair warning using hwy 88- the JPD will now have a no tolerance policy to the blocking of their driveway. Since the installation of the traffic signal lights at the intersection of Hwy 49 and 88 the Jackson Police Department has been faced with motorists blocking the driveway exit of the police station, even though the pavement is clearly marked – Keep Clear. An increase in the traffic on Hwy 88 is also contributing to the problem. The Jackson Police are now reporting issues with officers trying to leave the parking lot in emergency situations. Officers have been blocked in by motorists that are not heeding the multiple notification signs including do not block signs posted on the roadway, signs on the brick around the lot facing the highway that state Emergency Access- Do not Block or the keep clear on the roadway itself. Often times the traffic offense is occurring when officers are responding to an emergency call, delaying response times in a critical or medical emergency situation. The Jackson Police are asking all motorists to please heed the posted signs and keep the driveway clear for all Emergency Vehicles. The Jackson Police will begin an aggressive enforcement effort regarding enforcing the clearance of the driveway next week. The JPD is giving fair warning- block the driveway and you will be cited