Tuesday, 07 July 2009 00:15

Amador Joint Water Committee

slide3.pngAmador County – The Amador County Joint Water Committee last week saw water service commitment numbers in Amador County, and discussed current and conditional “will-serve letters,” and non-binding “notice of availability.” Amador Water System’s Tanner treatment plant has a capacity is 6,902 Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs). Its maximum daily use is 4.7 million gallons a day, while its capacity peak flow is just over 6 million gallons a day. Tanner’s commitments in March, according to the Amador County Planning Department, included will-serve letters for 361 EDUs, committing hook-ups, for a total peak flow of just over 5 million gallons daily. Tanner also had “conditional will-serves” for another 1,261 EDUs, committing a total peak flow of 6.2 million gallons a day. The letters of availability for Tanner totaled another 4,807 EDUs, for a total peak flow of 10.5 million gallons a day. The Equivalent Dwelling Units committed by will-serves in the Tanner system included 48 units in operational meters with zero use, and 102 units at Jackson View, 45 at Sierra West Business Park, 40 at Amador Central Phase 1, 21 at Golden Hills, 20 at Amador Ridge Business Park, 19 at Ridge, and 13 at Mesa De Oro. Of the conditional will-serves at Tanner, the city of Plymouth holds the bulk, at 744 EDUs, for 670,000 gallons of water a day at peak flow. The Valley View Vista has 60 conditional will-serve EDUs, and Sutter Creek Crossroads has 41. Tanner plant “letters water of availability” include 1,785 EDUs at Gold Rush Ranch & Golf Resort. Wicklow Way in Jackson, holds notices for a total of 1,044 EDUs, including 844 for its final phases, 3 & 4. Seven projects have notices of availability in Plymouth, for a total of 1,180 EDUs. Golden Vale, proposed off Highway 88, west of Martell, has a notice of availability letter for 472 EDUs. Buckhorn Water Treatment Plant’s Central Amador Water Project as of March had committed to 502 will-serve units and 166 conditional will-serves, and had 333 EDUs mentioned in letters of water availability. The will-serves included 405 “standby accounts,” and 92 operational meters with zero use. The conditional will-serves for Buckhorn included 60 infill projects and 90 EDUs and Cedar Ridge View trailer park. Martell District 12 had 240 EDUs committed by will-serve letters, with 256 conditional will-serves, and 1,724 letters of availability. Pine Grove District 1 had 65 will serves and 126 letters of availability. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.