Thursday, 16 July 2009 00:35

Mike & Wendy Franchon

slide3.pngAmador County – A fire Saturday morning took the home and many belongings of the Frachon family of Pioneer. But Wendy Frachon said she was still happy. She said: “I’ve just been rejoicing. There’s sadness, but there’s no loss whatsoever because we all made it out.” She and her husband Michael, and their boys, Adam, 12, and Jacob, 6, all escaped the fire, with her grandson, and her daughter, Kylene. But they lost all of their furniture and many of their clothes and their rental home on Silver Drive was a total loss. Saturday the American Red Cross gave them a credit card to put clothes on their backs, to replace pajamas. At Jackson Lodge Wednesday, Wendy said she washed saved some clothes. And friends and strangers alike have offered much help. They said Cindy Turner was Number One on the long list of people they wanted to thank. That includes Amador Fire Protection District Battalion 10, of Pioneer and Kirkwood, where, Kylene worked as a volunteer. Wendy said “it was a nice personal touch having” Battalion 10’s Chief Ray Blankenheim and the crew there during the fire. She said: “You don’t feel so alone.” The family, and some adult house guests, just stood and stared at the fire. She said “it was all just so surreal.” Wendy said the fire started in a smoking area on the front porch, where a saved cigarette smoldered in a planter, then ignited the house’s siding. Kylene noticed the smoke and woke Michael, who went through bedrooms, yelling “fire.” Wendy said flames were shooting around the steel front door, which glowed beet red from the heat. They made it out through the garage, and she later saw that the only thing holding up the garage ceiling was the frame of the garage opener. Family friend Robert Jarrell arrived to help with two big trucks and trailers, to help load up the items they could save. Wendy said they lost all beds and furniture to water and smoke damage. They saved TVs, and old, irreplaceable photos. Mike said they also saved a refrigerator full of food. Jarrell started a relief fund for donations to be made, by donating the first $200 dollars at Wells Fargo. To donate, call Wells Fargo’s Lisa Jabs at 223-0113 and mention the Frachon Family Fire Victims fund. Wendy said the funding will help the family get into a new home. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.