Tuesday, 21 July 2009 00:56

Amador Water Agency

slide5.pngAmador County – The Amador Water Agency board of directors will host a water conservation workshop in a special meeting set for 1 p.m. Thursday in the agency office. AWA Engineering Manager Gene Mancebo in a memo Friday said the purpose is for the “board to discuss the water conservation program for the AWA with the consultant, and staff prior to gaining public input and participation.” Consultant Leslie Dumas of RMC Water and Environment will give a presentation “regarding minimum standards for conservation programs.” She will also “identify current industry compliance with standards,” discuss potential policy statements or goals for the AWA. The meeting will include a discussion of the draft 20 By 2020 state Water Conservation Plan, introduced in February 2008 by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The “7-part comprehensive plan for improving the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta” was accompanied by governor directing “state agencies to develop a plan to reduce statewide per capita urban water use by 20 percent by the year 2020. The plan said with reductions and enhancements, “California can reduce its per capita use 20 percent, from the current 192 gallons per capita daily to 154 gallons per capita daily … an annual savings of about 1.74 million acre-feet.” Recommendations in the governor’s plan include establishing a foundation for a conservation strategy, including placing targets and goals in law. He also recommends creating a “state agency leadership and coordination network.” Other recommendations include reducing landscape irrigation demand, reducing water waste, reinforcing efficiency codes and related best management practices; giving financial incentives; and doing public outreach, as with the workshop itself. The governor’s draft plan also recommended considering enforcement mechanisms to facilitate water conservation; and investigating “potential flexible implementation measures.” The latter suggested looking at “requiring conservation offsets for water demand generated by new development.” The plan also recommended increasing “the use of recycled water and non-traditional sources of water.” An introduction to the workshop said the “recommendations were developed through a collaborative effort involving several agencies, including the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and the California agencies: Department of Water Resources, Water Resources Control Board, Energy Commission, Public Health, Public Utilities Commission, Bay Delta Authority and Urban Water Conservation Council. The AWA board in its regular meeting 9 a.m. Thursday will discuss the 2010 fiscal year work plan and budget for the Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority. The board will then tour the Tanner Water Treatment Plant, including the Amador Transmission Pipeline outlet, property, buildings and the Amador Canal at Tanner Reservoir. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.