Tuesday, 28 July 2009 00:01

Ione General Plan Update

slide2.pngAmador County – Ione City Council and Planning Commission have tentatively scheduled the final round of meetings for adoption of its General Plan update, with a series of public meetings starting next Wednesday. The city planning department announced the lineup Monday in a release. On August 5th, the Planning Commission will hold a special meeting to review the draft General Plan and Environmental Impact Report. At the meeting, the Planning Commission could make a recommendation to the City Council for adoption of the updated General Plan and certification of the EIR. The commission could also send along the documents without a recommendation, or make a recommendation to not adopt it. If the Planning Commission decides to make a recommendation at their August 5th meeting, the City Council would consider the draft General Plan and EIR at a special meeting on August 26. Concurrently with the General Plan update, the council will also be considering a number of amendments to the city’s zoning code and to the zoning map for consistency with the draft General Plan and land use plan. If the recommendation is not made, another planning commission meeting may be needed to finish the work. The Planning Commission meets 6 p.m. Wednesday, August 5th at Ione City Hall. The tentative City Council meeting would occur 6 p.m. Wednesday, August 26th. Planning staff said the “Ione General Plan Update is a blueprint for guiding and developing” the city’s future. It addresses land use, circulation, housing, natural resources, open space, community character, economic development and safety.” To learn more about the Ione General Plan Update, see www.ionegeneralplan.com. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.