Monday, 10 August 2009 01:11

Ione Planning Commission: General Plan

slide2.pngIone – The Ione Planning Commission voted to recommend the city’s draft General Plan Wednesday, and sent the document to the City Council. The commission requested more staff work on the zoning portion of the plan, and for definitions of the different zones. Commissioners Stewart Wilkerson, Mike McDermed and David Jenkins voted 3-0 to recommend the draft, with changes and clarifications made after comments were received, some as late as Wednesday. Ron Smylie and other members of the audience were concerned about the definition of the zoning, and McDermed said they were asking staff to clarify and define the different zones. Wilkerson said as a land owner, who lives close to Smylie, he said he is concerned about the effects of zoning on landowners’ rights. But he said the commission was also there and working for everyone in the city. Among additions to the draft General Plan, the commission added a map showing “existing conditions and anticipated future conditions for noise generated by vehicle traffic on major city roads.” City Planner Christopher Jordan submitted an edit to the housing element related to “very low-income housing,” with new text noting that “rental prices for 3- and 4-bedroom apartments, condos and homes were renting from $975 to $1,400, and therefore are out of the affordability range for these households.” A population density table was also added to the housing element, with ranges of minimum and maximum dwelling units and population allowed in each of 6 land use designation categories. Those were Rural Residential; Low, Medium and High Density Residential; Central Business District; and Downtown Transition. Density unit maximums in the latter 3 categories were 25 units per acre, and Jordan noted that “density bonus consistent with state law may be allowed to exceed the 25-unit per acre maximum.” Maximum population density was 39 people per acre for the latter 3 categories. The table include a maximum total estimated population of 17,258 people, and staff based its assumptions on data from the 2000 U.S. Census, which uses 2.64 people per singe-family household; and 1.56 people per multi-family units. The commission also added an “Action” section item on a “Child Care Program,” which said “In cooperation with private developers, the city will evaluate on a case-by-case basis, the feasibility of pairing a child care center in conjunction with affordable, multifamily housing developments or nearby to major residential subdivisions.” The program listed the city manager, planner, planning commission and city council and responsible for the program, and funding from the General Fund. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.