Thursday, 01 February 2007 03:17

Bomb Threat In Sutter Creek

The Sutter Creek Police Department responded to a bomb threat yesterday afternoon at 18 Bryson Drive. According to Chief of Police Rob Duke an unidentified male voice called the Law Offices of David Foyil at approximately 2:30pm and said there is a bomb on the premises and this is not a prank. The Sutter Creek Police Department was immediately contacted and the building complex was evacuated as well as the cars in the parking lot. Calaveras County’s Bomb Squad team responded to the scene and after searching the premises and making all the precautionary checks determined that the call was a hoax. Duke said that the Department did try to call the anonymous caller by the use Star 69 an automatic call back feature, however the number was blocked. Duke said the investigation is continuing.

At the same time Officers were responding to the bomb threat there was also reports of a gas leak at the other end of town. Around 2:30pm Chief of Police Rob Duke said a resident on Tuckerville Road above the post office called him directly and reported a gas odor in the neighborhood and subsequently asked him to come to the area to confirm that it was indeed a gas odor. Duke responded and agreed and immediately PG&E was called. Thankfully the problem was minor. PG&E reported that a meter valve had failed and by design was leaking a small amount of gas to alert that the valve is to be replaced. PG&E reported that it is a very routine operation fixed quickly. While the Sutter Creek police was tied up with the two incidents an accident also occurred in the City limits. Further taxing law enforcement in the area, according to Duke the California Highway Patrol responded to the incident.