Friday, 09 February 2007 00:18

Amador County Technical Advisory Committee: Martell Scoping Session

slide16The Amador County Technical Advisory Committee recently reviewed proposed revisions to the Westover Field Airport Master Plan. The changes involve creating more space for commercial hangars, and the universal use of hangars at the airport. The Technical Advisory committee found that because the revisions do not change the functions of the airport, only how the planes are kept within the hangers, the revisions are categorically exempt from being subject to a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) checklist.

slide17 The Committee also held a public scoping session to discuss a change in land use designations within the Martell master plan area. The changes would create more opportunities for research and development, light manufacturing, and commercial land use in the Martell business area; taking the place of some heavy industrial areas and therefore creating less opportunities hazardous materials to be released into the land and atmosphere.

slide18 The changes were reviewed under CEQA and it was found that the applicant, SPI/Catlin Development/Martell LLC whom is requesting these specific changes, would have to conduct a noise and traffic study. Amador County Environmental Health Director Mike Israel also requested the applicant obtain a document from the Amador Water Agency stating that the changes in the land use are within the threshold of their master plan.

Neighboring business AM Pine requested a stipulation be put in place to not allow business to face the AM Pine building because the original zoning they had agreed to did not leave that possibility. AM Pine's request was granted, and the applicants told the Committee they expect to be back with the noise and traffic study results in four weeks.