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Sunday, 22 April 2007 23:56

Its That Time Of Year: Lyme’s Disease A County Health Concern

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slide9The Amador County Health Department is now warning about Lyme disease, a syndrome caused by a tick-borne bacteria called borrelia burgdorferi, which can progress from an initial skin infection, to a disseminated infection, to a disabling multi-systemic illness which can include dermatologic, arthritic, ophthalmologic, cardiac, psychiatric and neurological manifestations.  Lyme’s disease is most often spread by a Tick Bite.

In laboratory studies it was found that the bacteria at the root of Lyme’s disease transfers in 24 – 48 hours. Due to the extreme nature of the virus, medical professions recommend treatment as soon as possible. The difficulty in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease is that it cannot be detected for 4 – 6 weeks and fewer than 50% of its victims can recall a tick bite or the rash that often accompanies infection. Some possible symptoms include: Rash at site of bite, Rashes on other parts of your body, Rash basically circular and spreading out (or generalized) Raised rash, disappearing and recurring on the Head, Face or Neck. Unexplained hair loss, Headache, mild or severe, Seizures, Pressure in Head, White Matter Lesions in Head (MRI), Twitching of facial or other muscles, Facial paralysis (Bell's Palsy), Tingling of nose, (tip of) tongue, cheek or facial flushing, Stiff or painful neck, Jaw pain or stiffness, Dental problems (unexplained), Sore throat, clearing throat a lot, phlegm, hoarseness or a runny nose.

slide11 Some problems with the eyes may include double or blurry vision, Increased floating spots, pain in the eyes, or swelling around eyes, oversensitivity to light, flashing lights/Peripheral waves or phantom images in corner of eyes. The disease may effect the ears with decreased hearing in one or both ears, plugged ears, buzzing in ears, pain in ears, oversensitivity to sounds, ringing in one or both ears. Some intestinal and internal  issues can be diarrhea, constipation, irritable bladder (trouble starting, stopping) or Interstitial cystitis, Upset stomach (nausea or pain) or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), With the skeletal and respiratory system there may be bone pain, joint pain or swelling, carpal tunnel syndrome, Stiffness of joints, back, neck, tennis elbow, Muscle pain or cramps. For more information you can visit the Lyme Disease Association website at or Lyme disease research at

Read 1092 times Last modified on Friday, 14 August 2009 03:52