Tuesday, 13 February 2007 02:14

Water Investigation Around Mule Creek Continues

More concerns have been raised by residents living near and around Mule Creek State Prison when recent rains gave flow to the creek. The creek color according to neighbors of the prison is black. Amador County Environmental Health Department Director Mike Israel is aware of the situation and has been investigating the concerns since first contacted last week. He was on site Friday, February 9, and at that time Israel reports, the creek was flowing significantly.  Though the water was muddy and cloudy, no unusual color (black) was noted at that time by Israel.

slide8 Israel viewed the creek at the Highway 104 crossing.  It was apparent that significant flows of water were entering the creek from the "moat" at the prison which parallels the highway, but no significant inflow was seen coming from the creek channel upstream which passes through the prison’s spray field area.  Israel then proceeded to the Five Mile Road Bridge.  There the creek’s flow was again observed, but again no unusual color was noted. Israel also has met with one concerned property owner and walked to the back of her pasture where the resident had previously observed the water described as black in color. The resident indicated that it looked normal at the time of the meeting with Israel.

Israel states that the environmental health department is looking at several options. One option is to contact Mule Creek prison officials and request access to the grounds for sampling given road conditions in the areas surrounding the prison, at this time, are precarious due to construction activities and weather related issues. Israel states that collecting the samples would also serve as a time to collect samples of source water and treatment plant effluent from the prison system as well.