Thursday, 15 February 2007 01:39

Jackson City Council Approves Special Committee To Address Economic Issues

slide19The City of Jackson recently discussed the formation of a new ad hoc committee or taskforce for developing an economic development strategy for the City of Jackson. During the review of committee assignments for this year, the concept of a special committee or task force to address local economic development issues was discussed as several factors are impacting the local economy. Many of which according to Daly are resulting form the recent development of the Martell Business Park.

slide21 Impacts from this development include businesses relocating outside the city limits and increased competition for other businesses in the area. He said Downtown Jackson is experiencing a higher rate of vacancy than in recent years and several merchants are concerned about maintaining the character of Main Street. In addition to the business attraction and retention issue, the concept of redevelopment has also been brought forth by Council member Gonsalves.

The Council had several options before them in how to approach the formation of a committee to assist evaluating how the City can best assist in attracting and retaining businesses in Jackson. Daly explained that the committee could be a completely independent body without representation form the City Council or it could include one or two Councilmember’s on the committee. The Council could also opt to conduct special study session workshops to enable all of the Councilmember’s to participate in these meetings. Daly also said that several local individuals and organizations have expressed interest in participating in a process to assist the City in reviewing economic issues. Ultimately it was decided that Mayor Drew Stidger and Council woman Connie Gonsalves serve on an ad-hoc committee to address the economic situation facing Jackson. They will be working with local organizations and individuals in putting together a meeting to discuss the issues further.