A Salinas Valley lettuce processor is now recalling its lettuce products over concerns that they may have been contaminated with E.coli bacteria. The Nunes Company in Salinas states the green leaf lettuce does not appear to have caused any illnesses but the company has decided to make a voluntary callback of lettuce sold under the Foxy brand name as a precaution. Foxy is one of the nation's largest suppliers of lettuce, celery, broccoli, vegetable platters and stir-fry mixes. The recall is for lettuce purchased in grocery stores October 3 - 6 in California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. Nunes officials did not indicate what sparked the recall. The decision comes on the heels of a nationwide recall of fresh bagged spinach following an E.coli outbreak in September. The bacteria are blamed for sickening nearly 200 people and causing three deaths. The Food and Drug Administration gave consumers the okay to start eating fresh spinach a week ago Friday, with the exception of spinach grown and packaged in Monterey, San Benito and Santa Clara counties. State and federal health inspectors have yet to pinpoint the source of the contamination. The FBI served search warrants on California processors but the results of what they found, if anything, have not been made public.