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Thursday, 19 March 2009 00:15

Ione City Council

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slide2.pngAmador County – The Ione City Council on Tuesday asked staff to set a public workshop to discuss several aspects of an Ione Community Preservation Project. City Manager Kim Kerr said the workshop will get input on the project’s “Main Street Program,” Redevelopment Plan, Economic Study and “Main Street Façade Program.” Kerr said the workshop could also educate the public about the programs. She said the redevelopment plan, which would lead to the city forming a “Redevelopment Agency,” had elements from its inception in the 1980s that likely would not withstand legal challenges: Specifically, the term “blight.” City Planner Christopher said there is a difference between the general concept of “blight,” and the “legal definition under redevelopment law.” He said certain criteria is used to score and assess blight. Jordan said forming a redevelopment plan and agency will collect property taxes in designated areas and use the funds to improve those areas. Kerr said funding from 2 closed Community Development Block Grants that were for low-income housing can now be used in other areas. She recommended the funds be used in the Community Preservation Project, including $50,000 dollars for the Main Street Program; $25,000 dollars for the Façade Program; $120,000 for Redevelopment Plan study; and $60,000 for the Economic Study. Kerr said the public meeting will start with the pros and cons of setting up a non-profit for the project, versus having the project run by the city, under the council’s direction. She said the “Main Street Program” is volunteer-driven and likely would be subject of a later town hall meeting. But the workshop could be used to help recruit volunteers. She said she has received information on the program, which she will put into a presentation. Mayor Lee Ard said it was probably the biggest project the city has seen in the last 10 or 15 years, and he hoped they get good public turnout. He wanted to “make sure we thoroughly go through all of it.” Kerr said the goal of the meeting is to draft a request for proposals, with people’s input. Councilman David Plank asked about PMC Consultants’ bid for $120,000 dollars for the work. Kerr said it was a very detailed bid, a “total package” and “it will take you from scratch to a final Environmental Impact Report.” The Ione Community Preservation Project public workshop is 6 p.m. Thursday, April 2nd at Evalynn Bishop Hall. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 459 times Last modified on Friday, 14 August 2009 04:52