CAO Terri Daly, will be working with the different Departments to determine how to fill the positions that are defined as needed. 3 basic factors for wach position will be considered. Those are; is the position critical; is the source of funding for the position in jeopardy; and does the position rely upon state funding sources. Supervisor Rich Escamilla asked how this would affect the Sheriff’s Department’s staffing levels and if public service will be jeopardized. Blacklock responded by saying that the Board has made it clear in the past that public service is extremely important and that in a past hiring review the Sheriff has worked with the County on the issue.
Supervisor Forster commented, “If we have a hiring freeze implemented we need to recognize that we need to live by that as much as possible. That is what got us through our difficult times last time.” Blacklock agreed and said that Amador County is not alone in their efforts to boost the general fund he said Placer and San Luis Obispo Counties are trying different measures but are none the less experiencing the same problem. On a unanimous decision it was decided to implement a hiring review.