Sunday, 11 March 2007 23:15

Regional Waste Water Meeting Today: Time Of meeting Changed

slide21Today at 12:30 the Regional Waste Water Committee will once again meet. The meeting, which was originally scheduled for March 5th, will discuss regional solutions to a countywide problem; how to dispose of our growing county’s waste water issues in accordance with State and federal regulations. Some of the previous solutions discussed were the purchasing of a packaged sewer plant, or a used plant, to be added to the existing ARSA system which serves Martell, Sutter Creek and Amador City. This could add anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000 gpd. of sewer processing capacity to serve the booming Martell area, as well as the 49 corridor, including Jackson.
slide22 The temporary facility would be built parallel to the existing Sutter Creek Treatment Plant and the wastewater flows would be divided between the two plants. ARSA Executive Director Rob Duke reported in February that a packaged plant can be put into operation within 6-8 months and remain operational for as many as 20 years, however the hope is that within a few years a new regional sewer plant will be operational. The location of the plant is also under consideration by the group. Should one large plant be constructed in a central location, or two smaller plants- one in Martell and one in Sutter Creek. In the meantime a funding mechanism must be developed for any long term, as well as, interim capacities. The meeting today will be attended by Representatives of Jackson, Sutter Creek, Ione, ARSA, the AWA, as well as HDR, the engineering firm hired for the project. The public is also invited to the meeting today in the Board of Supervisors Chambers at 1:30 pm