Thursday, 15 March 2007 23:16

Local CalFire Personnel Sent To SoCal To Help With Fire Clean Up

slide14CAL FIRE moved equipment and personnel to Southern California last week in anticipation of extreme fire danger posed by the combination of high temperatures, strong winds and low humidity. According to Tobie Edmonds Communications Officer with the CAL FIRE Prevention Bureau, the Amador/ El Dorado Unit of CAL FIRE has sent 3 Engines, 2 from Amador County and 1 from El Dorado County, as well as two Hand Crews from Pine Grove Camp,  two hand crews from Growlersburg Camp, 1 Engine from Nevada and 1 from Tulomne-Calaveras Unit, for a total of 86 people to the fire that was raging through Orange County, but is now contained. As a result of the recent fires CAL FIRE is reminding homeowners in areas susceptible to wildfire to protect their property with Defensible Space as required by state law. “By removing dead vegetation 100 feet from homes and following a few simple steps, homeowners can drastically increase their safety,” said Director Ruben Grijalva of CAL FIRE. “In California it is not a question of if a wildfire is going to occur, but more of a question of when.”
slide15 slide19 Here are some tips to help make homes fire safe: • Remove all flammable vegetation 30 feet from all structures. • In an additional 70 feet create a reduced fuel zone by spacing trees and plants from each other. • Clear all needles and leaves from roofs, eaves and rain gutters. • Trim branches six feet from the ground. • Remove branches 10 feet from all chimneys. • Use trimming, mowing and power equipment before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m., not in the heat of the day • Landscape with fire resistance plants. --CAL FIRE will be kicking off Wildfire Awareness Week beginning May 6 by hosting a number of public events to help educate and demonstrate how to make homes fire safe with good Defensible Space. For more information on Defensible Space visit the CAL FIRE Web site at Remember Defensible Space is YOUR responsibility.