Thursday, 15 March 2007 23:18

California Poppy Project Offering Free Poppy Give Away

slide9The 104th anniversary of California’s State Flower, the California Poppy, will be celebrated April 6, 2007. Because fall and spring are the best times to plant the poppy this anniversary is offering a unique opportunity to celebrate the state flower and increase its presence on local hills and pastures. The California Poppy Project © is offering one free packet of seeds to adults in all 58 counties of California. The California Poppy Project was established in 1987 with the goal to “Help preserve our trails, paths, highways, coastal areas, parks and safety rest stops from the blight of discarded litter!” To date more than 100,000 free packets have been distributed statewide with the assistance of the Native Daughters of the Golden West (NDGW). California Poppy seeds are drought tolerant and recommended in mild climates. It is illegal to pick California Poppies that grow on public property.

slide11 It is OK to pick poppies planted on private property however, they will not last long. Enjoy their beauty where they grow with other wildflowers of your choice. To receive your free packet, send a #10 long business envelope that is self-addressed, with two $.39 stamps affixed. Information about the project will also be included. There is a limit of one request per person/ per address while our supply lasts. Duplicate requests, small envelopes and postcards will be discarded and none will be returned. You may enclose up to twelve (12) self-addressed, stamped, long business envelopes to be sent to: friends, relatives and business associates (residing at OTHER addresses than your own) including your personal request. Only California addresses will be honored (no out of state addresses, please.)Send your request to: R. David Herndon, Director, California Poppy Project © P. O. Box 2089 Twentynine Palms, CA 92277-1001