Tuesday, 20 March 2007 00:31

Jackson Planning Commision Meeting

slide12The Jackson Planning Commission met last night to discuss what date would be appropriate for a meeting with Amador County Transportation Commission to discuss possible mitigations and changes for the Jackson Hills Project, at least changes to how the project is currently proposed. City Planner Susan Peters said that at the special meeting held March 5th that the Planning Commission decided to continue public hearings regarding the issuance of a Planning Commission recommendation to the City Council because they wanted to establish a meeting date with ACTC.

Since the March 5th meeting was nearly 6 hours long the Commission decided that at their next meeting, which was held last night, they would establish a date for the ACTC workshop as well as a future public hearing date for their recommendation to the City Council as to whether or not to accept the Jackson Hills project. Charles Field Executive Director of the ACTC will be asking the Transportation Commission for authorization to hold a workshop with the Jackson Planning Commission, however in the meantime Field and Jackson staff have tentatively set a workshop date for April 11th at 6pm at the Jackson Civic Center.

slide13 Last night the Commission agreed upon the April 11th date. In addition Peters reported that staff is preparing additional information regarding the disposition of the City’s wastewater treatment plant and associated discharge permit. This information will be presented to the Commission at their April 16th meeting. Based upon the information received from Planner Peters at last night’s meeting the Commission agreed with staff that the public hearing regarding the project determination be held on April 30th.