Tuesday, 20 March 2007 23:40

The United States Department of Agriculture's Resource Conservation and Development

slide23Yesterday’s Board of Supervisor’s meeting must have set a record time with the open session discussion lasting for a total of 7 minutes. The only open session item before the Board Tuesday was consideration of the renewal of their membership the Central Sierra Resource Conservation District. According to the District’s website, “The United States Department of Agriculture's Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) program helps people in rural areas plan and carry out activities that increase the conservation of  natural resources, support economic development, enhance the environment and standard of living in local communities
USDA provides technical and financial assistance, and sponsors obtain additional funding and services from a variety of other sources.” The Central Sierra Resource Conservation has 4 main Goals as a district: 1 to protect and restore watersheds; 2 to reduce the risk of fire in the wildland/urban interface; 3 to promote sustained use and management of forest land, grazing land, and crop land resources and promote sustained yield on working landscapes; and 4th to stimulate natural resource based tourism, recreation, and economic viability of area communities. The question before the board today was whether or not they wanted to pay the $300 renewal fee to remain a member of the organization. The $300 fee is collected from members of the district so the Central Sierra Resource Conservation District can remain nonprofit. The board decided that being a member is beneficial and voted to pay the renewal fee. They also appointed Supervisor Oneto to sit on the Conservation Board.