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Tuesday, 11 December 2007 23:51

Jackson City Council Opens the Door to Several Opportunities

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The Jackson City Council has opened the door to several opportunities for residents to become involved in the community, starting with the City Council seat vacated by Drew Stidger effective at the end of the year. According to City Manager Mike Daly, the City Council plans to appoint a Jackson resident to serve out the remainder of this Council seat term – which expires November 2008 -- at the January 14, 2008, City Council meeting.  Interested residents should submit a letter of interest to the Jackson City Clerk, 33 Broadway, Jackson, no later than Thursday, January 3, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.  The City Council also decided to form two citizen committees for review of the water and sewer rates and for future planning of the 159-acre Oro de Amador property.

Citizens interested in serving on either of these committees should submit a letter of interest no later than Wednesday, January 9, 2008, to the City Clerk. The City Council intends to make appointments to both committees at the January 14 meeting. The water and sewer rate committee will review all fiscal issues related to these utility services provided by the City of Jackson. The committee will be charged with reviewing the budgets for the water and sewer systems and recommending rate adjustments for consideration.

Any recommendations will be subject to the public notice and protest process recently used to comply with the requirements of Proposition 218. The Oro de Amador committee will continue the planning process that began with public workshops earlier this year.  The 159-acre Oro de Amador property is located between North Main Street and New York Ranch Road, north of the city cemetery.  Acquired by the City in December 2006, the property was used by the Kennedy Mine as a mine tailings deposit and extraction area.  Several ideas for public use of this property were generated during a public workshop process earlier this year and this new committee will review all land use options for recommendation to the City Council. For more information, contact City Manager Mike Daly, 223-1646.

Read 468 times Last modified on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 01:57