The students were removed from the classroom and the room has been cleaned. Students will not be allowed back into the classroom until the Amador County Environmental Health Department and a Certified Industrial Hygienist give their approval. Friday, March 23, an inspection of several classrooms at Pine Grove Elementary revealed the need for further testing regarding a potential mold issue in two of the classrooms. The test results will take up to seven days to be returned to the District. As a precautionary measure, students have been relocated on the school site.
If testing indicates the need for
remediation, the District will follow industry standards in the remediation
process. The District is working closely with Prichard Health and Safety
and the Amador County Environmental Health Department to assure the health and
safety of students and staff at all school sites. A comprehensive plan is being developed to conduct an indoor air
quality survey and inspection of all classrooms and facilities district-wide.
The District is sending out Indoor Air Quality Surveys to all sites so each
teacher will be able to complete the survey before the break.
The surveys will be used to help the District prioritize inspections of all classrooms and facilities. If it is determined that classrooms need to be closed to perform remediation work, students will not return to those rooms until the Amador County Environmental Health Department and a Certified Industrial Hygienist give their clearance. The Amador County Unified School District wishes to assure the Community that the District will continue to implement a comprehensive plan to alleviate any potential health problems and to maintain healthy indoor air quality in its schools.