City Manager Kim Kerr gave an progress report on the Ione Fire Station construction. Outstanding items include obtaining final a California Department of Transportation Encroachment Permit for the entry onto Preston Avenue, a grading permit from the City, a Building Permit, a tree removal survey for the lot, and final OK from the Planning Commission to make sure that the specifications meet the conditions of approval. The specs will go to the Planning Commission on December 11th -- if the Planning Commission does not approve the plan or there are major changes, then the plans will come back to the City Council on December 18th. There is no final cost estimate for the new fire station yet, but the budget is approximately $1.2 million for the land and construction. The city also discussed the option to split up the design and building portions of the bid. This split would allow the council to pick and choose their options from multiple bids and find the most economically satisfying option for the city. Bidding on the project will open Jan 23, 2008 at 2pm.
Council also discussed activating a Building Board of Appeal, which was
approved by council in 1993, but to the knowledge of staff and from archived
minutes was never enacted. This board would hear appeals by individuals
regarding Administrative decisions on designs for housing, mechanical,
electrical, plumbing, fire and other design issues. The Board is required to have 5 members including 2
licensed contractors, 2 community members who are not employed in the
construction industry, and either a engineer or an architect. Those
interested in participating are encouraged to send in a letter of interest to
the City Clerk at P.O. Box 398
Ione CA, 95640. The closing date for receipt
of letters is the 2nd of January. For more information
contact City Clerk Janice Traverso.