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Tuesday, 25 March 2008 08:13

Business Owners and the State of Downtown Jackson

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slide14.pngWhile no one has any solid answers as to why downtown Jackson has been seeing a decline in business over the years, the evidence of such a decline is visibly apparent. Two businesses – Rosebud’s Pub and Grill and the Wow! Bakery recently closed there doors on the same day. While Rosebud’s owner Ron Busch says the close is only temporary, he believes a number of factors have made running his business that much more difficult.  “For me, I think the decline started when the County offices moved away,” said Busch, referring to the county’s headquarters move and restructuring. “County business used to come downtown, but not any longer. Ever since then I’ve seen a gradual drop.”

  Busch also sited tour buses as a contributing factor to downtown interest, saying that he has seen a decline since most tour buses were no longer allowed on Highway 49 some ten years ago. Busch says he will be reopening Rosebud’s doors, but he can’t say when. Money is tight, but Busch is currently renovating Rosebud’s as part of what he refers to as “Jackson beautification.” He says that the renovated Rosebuds will be smaller scale and more intimate. We also caught up will Tom Miller who leases the neighboring building and was currently renovating due to rotted wood on the front frame. Miller is an 11-year resident in Amador City and owns a business there. He stated bluntly that he believes downtown businesses have been affected because there is “no place to park”. He has seen shopkeepers parking wherever they can and always stepping outside to feed the meters to avoid tickets. His building, a beautiful relic of Jackson’s downtown in its heyday, is estimated to have been around since 1865. It was originally a post office, twice, but burnt down twice before becoming a barbershop.

Read 570 times Last modified on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 01:56