to help those you are serving by learning about services throughout Amador County.
A coalition of Amador County
public resource agencies is holding a Resource Fair for Service Providers,
Thursday, October 4th from 3:30—6:00 pm at the Argonaut High School
Multi-Purpose Room in Jackson.
If you provide service to
children, families, teens, and seniors, or if you are involved with mental health/counseling;
community based organizations; faith based organizations; bilingual and
cultural services; health services; housing; alcohol/drug services; food
distribution; recreation programs; senior services; teaching or school staff;
preschool/childcare providers; law enforcement officers and staff; medical
staff; social service staff; emergency services or anyone who makes referrals
for resources, you will want to attend. There will be hourly prize drawings for
all attendees. You must be present to win. The event is sponsored by the
Children's Welfare Redesign Team. For more information call 257-5303.
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News Archive