The average monthly bill is expected to increase from $27.38 to $29.71 “based on 8 units of water consumption.” The residential sewer bill on the other hand will raise more significantly from $23.87 to $28.05 per month. The rates would become effective January 1, 2008. The customer letter also notified of other increases of 6% on July 1, 2008 and 6.5% on July 1, 2009. The notification cites that the rate increases are being proposed to “help keep pace with water rate increases from the City’s water supplier, the Amador Water Agency.
Under the guidelines of Proposition 218, a Water and Sewer Rate protest form were included in a mailer sent to Jackson customers, however Lewis claims that Proposition 218 also makes it clear that the number of those in protest to the rates must be made clear. In her request form Lewis states, that she wishes “to renew and clarify” her request for the “release of customer information.” Lewis continues by stating that, “The City’s Notice…failed to adequately notify the customers…their right to protest (with only a mere) “50% (plus) one vote.” And she alleges that, “That number is not known, and has been concealed by the City.” The Council will be addressing the issue of the City’s alleged “concealment of information” at tonight’s meeting at City Hall at 7pm.