Thursday, 05 April 2007 01:13

Union Officials Refuse Gov. Schwarzenegger's Contract Offer For Prison Guards

slide39The Schwarzenegger administration's latest contract offer to the state prison guards union would boost pay more than 14 percent over three years, but the union would have to give up some of its management power in return. Union officials said they are unwilling to make such concessions. They also contend the proposed pay scale would put prison guards further behind other state and local law enforcement agencies.
A meeting last week to present the administration's offer broke off quickly, and no new talks are scheduled, said spokesmen for both sides.  "They're clearly not serious about reaching a deal with us at this point," union Vice President Chuck Alexander told the Associated Press. "We told them they were wasting their time." The Department of Personnel Administration says the contract would increase the annual top base salary for a correctional officer from $73,700 to $83,000, including pension coverage. Guards also are paid overtime. The pay raises would cost the state $622 million over three years for rank-and-file officers, and $738 million including pay raises for higher-ranking officers whose pay is tied to the contract. The union's contract expired in July, but the terms continue until a new contract is signed. State lawmakers say Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's prison building and rehabilitation proposals are unlikely to get legislative approval until a new contract is negotiated. The union lobbied heavily against the governor's prison program last year, and it died without a vote in the Assembly.