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Monday, 15 October 2007 01:45

Plymouth City Council Promises to Uphold Agreement Made in 1998

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slide7Last Thursday the Plymouth City council promised to fulfill an agreement made in 1998 by 2009. The agreement includes three major projects. One of which includes installing a drop inlet, as part of an access understanding related to Emerson Drive, which once provided access to the old racetrack. In 1998 that project was expanded to include replacing and upsizing the conduits that cross state highway 49. The project would consist of constructing two drop inlets, and extending the highway cross culvert approximately 30 feet. The city has promised to complete 1 of 3 projects that would include completion of the drop inlet by 2009.

These options are to: construct the inlet as part of State Highway 49 improvements, include it in a cooperative project with Caltrans with culvert replacement, or to construct only the drop inlet as a city project. In 2005, the City received an extra hand when Caltrans committed to participate in the inlet installation. Councilmember Greg Baldwin stated, “Whichever of these projects we choose, the inlet will assuredly be completed by 2009.” Carol Emerson stated to the council, “It is a generous offer to have this done by 2009. This is just one of many of the city’s past due agreements that I am dealing with.”

The council authorized the mayor to sign a letter assuring the Emerson Drop Inlet will be completed by 2009.  In other matters on the agenda, the council appointed Councilmember Jon Colburn to sit as the City’s representative on the Regional Traffic Mitigation Fee Program Committee. The Committee meets once every year to review Amador County Transportation Commission or ACTC’s staff administration of the Traffic Mitigation Fee Program and make recommendations to the legislative bodies for any changes. The committee will meet October 25th at 9:00am in the ACTC conference room.

Read 1165 times Last modified on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 01:55