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Wednesday, 06 August 2008 02:07

Pine Grove Code Enforcement Issue Wrapping Up

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The County of Amador is set to wrap up a code enforcement issue that has been going on for several years in Pine Grove. The property in question is located at 19698 Highway 88, and belongs to William and Theresa Mulderry. The Board of Supervisors heard the item on Tuesday, in order to postpone a years-old abatement order that was set to go into affect this Wednesday. The abatement order was placed on the retail space years ago due to issues over unpermitted outdoor storage at the site, as well as additions that were made to the property by a previous owner without the correct permits. Since then, the Mulderrys have made multiple improvements to the property in order to comply with County codes. The latest and last of these items was the installation of manhole covers that were installed by the Amador Water Agency. At the meeting, the Board voted to place an additional two week stay order on the item to insure the completion of any follow-up paperwork. The Mulderry’s are expected to get their final, up-to-date permits at the end of the two week period.
Read 802 times Last modified on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 01:55