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Monday, 24 September 2007 01:52

Camp Out for Cancer a Big Success

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slide2Cloudy skies and a few doses of rain didn’t lower the spirits of hundreds of campers at the 4th annual Camp Out for Cancer, a major fundraising event for Amador Stars. Cancer survivors, teams of campers, and community volunteers, including 180 high school students, participated in the two-day event that included spending the night in tents on the Argonaut High School football field.
Workers filled over three thousand luminary bags with sand and candles, prepared meals for the hungry crowd, played games, and had their heads shaved in support of cancer victims – all leading up to Saturday night’s moving Illumination Ceremony. With lighted luminaries honoring cancer victims and survivors ringing the entire football field, the names of all those honored were read aloud while the campers walked the track in silence. According to Camp Out for Cancer Chair Ginger Rolf, the unofficial total now stands at was $85,000, with donations still coming in. Amador Stars, or Support, Transportation, and Resource Services, is a non-profit organization, and all funds raised at the annual Camp Out are used for local cancer services, except for an annual percentage that is donated to cancer research.
Read 675 times Last modified on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 01:55