Friday, 06 April 2007 03:51

CalFire Looks To Busy Fire Season

slide21The combination of a dry winter, early weed and brush development and plenty of broken tree limbs on the ground have state and local fire officials urging people to clean up their property and establish their 100 feet of defensible space in advance of what they suspect will be a busy and early fire season. Defensible space is required by a state law mandating a 100-foot clearance around homes or clearance to the property line — whichever is greater. Typically, CDF's fire season starts in May. But last year, when the area was doused with plenty of rain, the season didn't start until June 5. It's been 30 years since a fire season started before the month of May

That fire season began April 26, 1977 to be exact. CalFire officials state that there is no reason to believe the fire season will begin as early as the 1977 season however residents should take precautions now to prevent property loss later. Officials are concerned however that the Mother Lode will see a large wildfire this summer. That concern is based on several key points, first the lack of rain this winter has allowed normally-saturated vegetation to dry out more quickly. When our area did experience storms this winter both rain and heavy snow caused tree limbs to fall throughout the area. This creates ladder fuels in the event of a wild land fire which allows fire to climb more easily into trees. Also noted by Calfire officials is the fact that the Mother lode has not seen a significant fire in the last few years. The Amador County Power Fire in October of 2004 was the last major fire to hit the region. Fore more information on defensible space you can contact the Amador Fire Safe Council at 296-6220 or visit CDF/Calfire’s website at