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Monday, 11 February 2008 00:59

New Jackson Planning Commissioner

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Jackson City Council will appoint a new planning commissioner at its regularly scheduled meeting tonight. The City Council invited Jackson residents to apply for the open seat after the appointment of commissioner Wayne Garibaldi to the City Council left an opening on the planning board. Kathryn Devlin was the only applicant for the job. She is co-owner of New York Fitness in Jackson, has been active with the Kennedy Mine Foundation and is a member of the Amador Community Foundation Board of Directors.

Also on the agenda is a vote to restrict the west side of Highway 49/88 between Main Street and the Busi Parking lot to daytime parking only. In a report by Jackson Chief of Police Scott Morrison, this stretch of highway has become a popular place for parking vehicles with “For Sale” signs posted on them – which is illegal. According to Morrison, police have also discovered that some vehicle owners fine this area a convenient place to park non-operative or “over-flow” vehicles. Morrison is recommending that the city prohibit parking there from midnight to 6 am. The Council will also hear a presentation of the Proposed Intergovernmental Services Agreement between Amador County and the Buena Vista Rancheria. Opening Monday night’s meeting will be the first participant in the council’s new program to encourage student participation in city government. Eighth grader Jacob Schmidt will serve as the first Mayor’s Honored Guest – leading the flag salute and sitting on the dais with the council.

Read 723 times Last modified on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 01:55