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Wednesday, 14 May 2008 01:39

Liquor No More

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slide11.pngThe ongoing battle over a request for a liquor license at a Pioneer store came to a close at the tail end of Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting. Danny McCauley, owner of Liquor and More and property manager of Sierra Homes and Properties, stressed to the council that his sole intention in opening up another liquor store in Pioneer is to stimulate the economy. “It would not have been me, it would have been Buckhorn residents who work in the liquor store,” he said. The proposed store site, located in the BuckhornPlaza, was left empty when Buckhorn Liquors moved to the Buckhorn Village a few hundred yards away.

McCauley decided to lease the space for his new store, and started renovating the interior, which is now nearly complete. After McCauley filed with the California Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control, or ABC, he received copies of numerous complaint letters sent to the state from local residents. Opponents to the store felt it was unnecessary to have yet another liquor store in Amador County with the many current liquor vendors in the area. The vote before the Board was whether or not to approve a letter of public convenience or necessity to satisfy the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control’s requirements for an off-sale liquor license. The Board voted 3 against and 1 for. Supervisor Boitano was the sole Supervisor who approved, while Supervisor Escamilla abstained due to a potential conflict of interest. “I called people who were openly opposed and told them no hard feelings. I think the Board of Supervisors should be commended for all their efforts,” said McCauley. He is now debating his two current options, to close in escrow, or to move his license to another county.

Read 1169 times Last modified on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 01:55