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Monday, 14 July 2008 02:41

Pioneer Montessori School Not Closing

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slide19.pngIt all started with a letter to parents stating that after 18 years, Pioneer Montessori School would be closing.  Owner and operator Ellen MacDonald had planned on retiring early due to family medical problems. “With my husband’s recent health problems and my own, I was overwhelmed and thought that closing the school was my only recourse.” The news sent a shockwave throughout the school’s family of kids and parents, some of which had sent multiple children there over the years.  Within days, two teachers at the school stepped up to keep the school open. 

Laurie Kovach and Melissa Mendoza offered to reopen the school in August.  “I was shocked at first, but understood. Laurie and I had discussed taking over the school when Ms. Ellen retired, so (when she announced her retirement), I said to Laurie, ‘Let’s just do it!’ Why stop something that works for the children and their families?” says Mendoza. After making several modifications to their plans, including keeping the school open through the summer with MacDonald’s slide20.pngassistance during a transition period, she reconsidered and decided to stay on.  “Loving and caring for the children of Amador County is my life,” says McDonald, who, along with her husband, is now fully recovered.  “I look forward to many more years at my wonderful school.”

Pioneer Montessori is a “child-directed” school that takes into account the “spirituality of the total child.”   Montessori teachings are based on involving the child in their own learning experience, with emphasis placed on self-reliance. MacDonald says that “creating a sense of self” is extremely important.  “After that, (academics) just fall into place.” As always, the school accepts children starting from age two.  The school offers an excellent kindergarten and pre-school program and has prepared hundreds of Amador County youth for grade school. The school is now enrolling students.  For more information, contact Ellen MacDonald at 295-4144.

Read 1197 times Last modified on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 01:55