The Amador County
Unified School
District is gearing up for the 2008-09 school
year. A special board workshop Tuesday marked the first
official day for new Superintendent Richard “Dick” Glock. At the meeting, board members discussed their
vision and goals for the upcoming year, making several changes to the existing
Vision and Goals poster. In relation to the board’s vision, Glock quoted the
book Results Now, How We Can Achieve Unprecedented Improvements in Teaching and
Learning, which talks about the huge
difference between well-known essential practices and the reality of most
classrooms. The book lectures about consistent curriculum, authentic literacy
education, and professional learning communities for teachers. Taking from the book, Glock said, “simple plans work best – those with a direct focus
on straightforward actions and opportunities.” He also recommended that
teachers “analyze their achievement data, set goals, and then meet at least
twice a month – for 45 minutes.” Glock brings a wealth of experience from his
previous superintendent positions, including eleven years with the Temecula
Valley Unified School District in Southern California, as well Superintendent
of Schools in Nebraska.
The board also discussed streamlining the suspension
and expulsion policies and looked at the possibility of hiring four retired
administrators to sit on the Expulsion Hearing Panel. Another item the board felt needed
streamlining was Dress Code
Policy enforcement. Collectively, the
board recognized the need to address and enforce dress code policy violations
at the very beginning of the school year, as well as notifying parents
of the policy. The board also touched on
homework policies, as well as the proper procedure for staying in touch with
parents or guardians regarding missing assignments and failing grades. And finally, the board requested a copy of
the board’s cell phone
policy, which regulates student use of cell phones at school and outlines the
proper procedure to follow when phones are confiscated.