Thursday, 26 April 2007 23:47
Legislature Approves Prison Reform Bill: Mule Creek To Get More Beds Not More Inmates
State legislation passed yesterday will have local
impacts and in all likelihood Mule Creek State prison will be adding beds. Although the expansion will add beds, state prison officials are quick
to point out that in the case of Mule Creek that does not necessarily mean more
inmates- just that the inmates already there will be housed appropriately.
The California Legislature,
Thursday afternoon,
approved a $7.3 billion prison package that will add 53,000 beds for inmates
and provide more dollars toward rehabilitation. The deal will provide 16,000 new beds at existing prisons, 16,000
locally based "re-entry" beds for short-term inmates and parole
violators, 8,000 new hospital medical beds to satisfy federal court medical and
mental health care monitors and 13,000 county jail beds.The bill is designed to avoid a federal takeover of the severely
overcrowded system. It now goes to Governor Schwarzenegger, who has praised the
plan. Democratic and Republican legislative leaders reached agreement on the
plan Wednesday. The Assembly passed the bill unanimous, while the measure
barely won the required two-thirds majority in the Senate.