Thursday, 26 April 2007 23:52

Board of Supervisors Approves ACRA Project List: Parks To Be Improved Countywide

slide12The Board of Supervisors approved the Amador County Recreation Agency Board’s suggested projects that were eligible for the Prop. 40 funds. Prop 40 funds are administrated under The "California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002. The Amador County Recreation Agency is responsible for making the recommendations to the Board of supervisors for the allocation of the funds. The 1.2 million is a one-time only per capita grant that can be used for the improvement for development of recreation facilities within Amador County.

ACRA Director Tracey Towner-Yep explained that the monies cannot be used for repairs but for upgrades, renovation, and enhancements. The following is the approved allocation of the Prop. 40 funds.  The River Pines 3 acre Park will receive a complete renovation and upgrade for $150,000. The park is owned by the River Pines Service District Property. This project would Address playground amenities, lack of drainage, and encourage community spirit. The Volcano Armory Hall, owned by the Volcano Community Services District, will receive $325,000 and will become ADA accessible, as well as have upgrades to its kitchen, foundation and windows in the course of 3 upgrade or construction phases. The Pine Grove Town Hall will also become ADA compliant and undergo sanitary and sewer repairs at a cost of $250,000.

slide15 The need for the ADA compliance in the Pine Grove CSD owned building precipitated the improvements, as it is used for upcountry events as well as serves as a library, one of only 2 in upcountry. In Plymouth $220,000 was allocated directly from the state but a large chunk of that was given to Lodge Hill project. The restrooms in the park however are the only public restrooms in Plymouth and need to be renovated desperately. The cost; $45,000 more.  The Scout Hut and Veterans Hall in Pioneer will get re-roofed, as well as undergo upgrades to the plumbing at a cost of $100,000. During the freeze there was substantial water damage because of the age of the pipes and the fact that they were not insulated.

slide17 Money from the insurance claim will cover the damage but will not cover retrofitting or upgrading of the pipes. The Scout’s hut and hall will remained closed until the pipes can be repaired. $50,000 was allocated to build restrooms for public use in the Park in addition to $15,000 from Prop. 12 funds. On both the Pioneer Park Veterans Hall and on the to be constructed bathrooms Amador County holds the lease. The sub total of the funds allocated to the mentioned projects totals $920,000, but ACRA has also suggested that money be held in reserve. The board opted to reserve $100,000 for repairs to the Evalyn Bishop Hall in Ione. The hall needs a new roof and multiple kitchen improvements as well as tentative ADA access issues to be addressed. Because the City of Ione owns the hall there needs to be cooperation between ACRA and Ione.  Also in reserve is $100,000 for a site plan and design for a 15 acre park to be located Pine Grove on land donated by Volcano Communications. The $100,000 will also be used for initial development.  The remaining $80,000 of the 1.2 million is to go to ACRA for project administration.