Tuesday, 01 May 2007 01:04

Child Injured In Fluke Pine Grove Park Mishap

slide2Saturday at the Pine Grove Community Park a 3 year old boy was injured when he apparently climbed a fence to play on the fountain in the park. Pine Grove Community Services District Board Chair Paul Johnston said there are conflicting stories about what happened. One story is that the boy, after climbing over the fence, reached up and grabbed the fountain sprayer- a pineapple shaped piece of concrete at the top- and it subsequently broke off and hit him in the head causing the child to fall. The second possible situation is that the boy while climbing the fence began to fall and reached out and tried to grab the fountain causing the top of the fountain to topple and hit his head. Johnston said that the parents are the only ones who would have been witness to the event since apparently no one else was in the park. The parents transported the young boy next door to the Pine Grove fire station and medics were called. The child was subsequently transported to the Pine Grove Camp to be airlifted to UC Davis receive further care. Johnston stated that he hopes the child is doing well. TSPN has received reports that the child suffered no serious injuries