Thursday, 03 May 2007 23:38

The Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority Offers Training

slide15The Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority is a joint powers authority made up of nine entities, including Amador, Calaveras and Alpine Counties in the Upper Mokelumne River watershed. The group, through proposition 13 and 50 grant funding, has undertaken a multi-phase watershed assessment and planning project which is aimed at advancing the group toward a broader understanding of the water quality issues that concern the Upper Mokelumne River watershed, as well as developing a method that will evaluate the water quality of the watershed on a long term basis. This project, known as the Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Assessment and Planning Project, was funded in part by grants available after the passage of statewide propositions.  As part of this project, a hydrologic model of the watershed was developed and calibrated using the Environmental Protection Agancy-supported Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework, or WARMF, software.

slide16 slide17 The WARMF model simulates water quantity and water quality throughout the watershed.  Now that the WARMF model has been developed and calibrated, it can be used to support management decisions made by the managers of the watershed by providing information on potential water quantity and water quality impacts associated with any changes within the watershed. These changes could include land management practices, land uses, recreation, and many more. The Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority is inviting the public to a free two-part, 1.5-day training session designed to provide additional information on the WARMF model itself and how it might be used by decision-makers in the watershed. 

slide18 The two-part WARMF training session will be begin Wednesday, May 30, from 1pm to 4pm.  This first training session is aimed at providing those with the decision-making powers additional background on the modeling tool and its potential application to management decisions being made in the watershed.  This training will be held at the Sutter Creek Theatre, 44 Main Street, in Sutter Creek. The second training will be held Thursday, May 31, 9am to 4pm.  This session is a hands-on training geared toward bringing computer-savvy individuals and modelers up-to-speed on the details of how the model can be updated and how the potential water quantity and water quality impacts of various scenarios can be evaluated.  This training will be held at the EBMUD Pardee Center, McLean Hall in Valley Springs. People interested in attending should email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Please also indicate which training session or sessions you are interested in attending. If you have questions, or would like further information, please contact Steve Skripnik at the email address above, or by phone at 415-321-3400.