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Tuesday, 21 November 2006 01:26

Jackson Planning Commission Approves Another Lot Split

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The Jackson Planning Commission agenda was a full one Monday night as the Commissioners deliberated for 2 and half hours on the issues before them.

slide10One item presented to the Commission was a proposed Tentative Subdivision Map for the Shealor and Scardina Trust property located on Jackson Gate Road. The item was held over until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Previously the item appeared before the commission and the land owners at that time felt that the size and scope of the project did not require environmental review, however the Planning commission decided to have staff look into the matter. In a note from City Planner Susan Peters to the commission she explained that the applicants asked that the issue be continued “allowing them more time to respond to the Planning Commission’s concerns.”

A Tentative parcel Map for a property located 1229 Jackson Gate Road was the first discussion item before the Commission. The applicants Teresa’s Place Inc. are proposing to divide and modify the Commercial C-2 Zoned property that includes Teresa’s Restaurant and the surrounding open space into four lots ranging in size from .30 acres to 1.6 acres. The existing restaurant banquet building, barn storage and shop would be situated on the Parcels 1 and 2 while parcel’s 3 and 4 would remain vacant with no plans of improvement.

slide12Peters explained that the property, while zoned Commercial C-2 now, will eventually end up with a zoning designation of “limited commercial” as proposed in the new general plan update that is yet to be approved. However, this does not change the fact that the landowners are able to subdivide the land. Their intent she explained is to “parcel off” the lots for family members. Commissioner Dave Butow said while he does understand what the Giurlani family is trying to do in terms of readying an estate he has concerns regarding the extra traffic that could ensue on Jackson Gate Road. He also voiced concerns over the location of the lots in relationship to the north fork of the Jackson Creek as they are in the flood plain. Butow suggested that a Planned Development Overlay or (PD) be placed on the parcels.  Phillip Giurlani, who was representing the family, said in response that only one of the proposed parcels would be next to the creek, while another parcel has only a very small portion of creek frontage. “…to put a PD on all four lots would be, maybe, a little overkill.”

slide14He also asked to clarify one of the conditions concerning location of buildings in reference to Jackson Gate Rd. The conditions require a 25 foot setback and right of way-Giurlani wanted to clarify that this would not impact the existing restaurant building. Peters explained that the condition would not apply to the parcel where the restaurant is located. She said that clarifying the issue can be resolved by adding to the motion that the conditional language be changed to include the words “where feasible”. Reverting back to traffic issue Peters answered some of the Commissioner’s questions by saying that the parcel has been subject to the traffic model for sometime and any increase that exceeds the traffic model would be subject to review. Despite the explanation Commissioners Dave Butow and Warren Carlton could not bring themselves to vote for something that could create more traffic on Jackson Gate Road, this in addition to Butow’s concern regarding a PD overlay.

A motion was made to accept the land division while adding language to Condition number 2 regarding the 25 foot right-of-way from the centerline to say “which will be of the satisfaction of the city engineer” as well as “where feasible.” The motion passed 3-2 with Butow and Carlton in opposition.

Read 601 times Last modified on Friday, 28 August 2009 02:10