Thursday, 17 May 2007 00:08

Fiddletown Couple Accused of Animal Abuse Appear In Court

slide39This week the Fiddletown couple accused of animal abuse made a court appearance in Amador County Superior Court. The appearance in front of Judge Dave Richmond involved a plea agreement that was reached between the defendants and the Amador County District Attorney’s office. That plea agreement was the subject of much discussion after it was discovered by the DA’s office that they had illegally returned two of the allegedly abused horses to their former owners, John and Krista O’Sullivan. The plea agreement reached previously in the case reduced 5 felony charges of animal abuse to two misdemeanor charges, dropped all charges against Mrs. O’Sullivan and returned two of the horses to the O’Sullivan’s Fiddletown Ranch.
slide41 Once the district attorney’s office became aware that the return of the horses was forbidden under state laws, the office asked the Court for the plea agreement to be set aside and the horses removed from the O’Sullivan custody. The defendant, John O’Sullivan asked that the plea agreement be honored. This week that matter was taken up in Court with Judge Richmond, who ruled that the plea agreement could not stand because of the illegality of some of its terms. -Specifically, the DA’s office had asked the Judge David Richmond to order the defendants to return the two horses in their custody to Animal Control. Judge Richmond denied that request.  Whether the O’Sullivan’s can ultimately keep the two horses, will be determined at the conclusion of the case.  The DA’s Office then asked the Court to reinstate the charges against Mrs. O’Sullivan, as those charges were only dismissed as part the plea agreement reached with Mr. O'Sullivan.  Now the DA’s office will begin, almost from the beginning of the case, as will Defendant John O’Sullivan. The original case never went to trial and O’Sullivan once again faces the 5 felony animal abuse charges. The three horses (now including a newborn foal) that were seized and turned over to the care of the Foundation will remain there pending the final outcome of this case.