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Thursday, 15 March 2007 00:54

Ione Looks At New Waste Water Agreement & Partnerships

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The City of Ione this week considered a new waste water agreement with ARSA and Mule Creek State Prison. The agreement would include the forming of a Joint Powers Authority, or JPA, to facilitate the finances and terms of the agreement. It would also completely replace any old agreements between the agencies and would dramatically change the way the Amador Regional Sanitation Authority, ARSA, handles its waste water.

slide6Through this agreement ARSA would reduce their waste water flows to allow for some relief for Mule Creek State prisons waste water crisis.  In turn ARSA agrees to accept MCSP flows which would allow Ione more room in their treatment plant to process the sewage from new development under construction. ARSA would then totally eliminate all flows to Ione’s secondary sewer plant in the next four years.  ARSA also agrees to eliminate all flows to the lower ARSA system within 5 years of notification from Mule Creek and Ione that those flows must stop. This would give ARSA some transition time to adjust their system accordingly. Ione would also, under this agreement, no longer be liable for a payment of 20,000 dollars currently paid to ARSA.

slide8 In the event ARSA continues to use the Castle Oaks golf course for disposal of waste water after treatment at the Ione plant- ARSA will begin contributions to help pay for the operation of the plant in accordance with the amount of water they are processing through the plant. The goal of the agreement and the formation of the JPA is to develop a permanent source of reclaimed water for Castle Oaks, the Preston School and other potential properties in Ione. A Master Plan and joint projects to improve treatment and capacities for both Mule Creek and Ione are also goals of the tri agency agreement. The Ione City Council liked the agreement and directed City Administrator George Lambert to instruct the city’s attorneys to work together with the other entities involved to develop the JPA agreement. Their intention is to present the completed agreement, including the JPA, to the ARSA Board at their meeting on March 28th . The agreement was drafted at a joint meeting of the state, Ione and ARSA officials Monday afternoon

Read 586 times Last modified on Friday, 28 August 2009 02:08