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Sunday, 29 April 2007 23:20

Plymouth City Council Meeting: Discussion Over MSA and Pool Costs

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slide23The city of Plymouth had their bi-monthly council meeting last Thursday the 26th.. During the Public comment session a few citizens stated their relief regarding a recent court decision that rejected the Municipal Services Agreement between the City and the Ione Band of Miwok. One person noted that she was relieved, however still concerned that there would be an appeal and the process would get drawn out another few years. She also noted that she hopes this is the end of it so that the city can move forward and take care of other pertinent issues that need to be addressed. Councilman Jon Colburn noted that the city will not take any position about the decision until the appropriate time has passed, approximately 30 days to 4 months, in which the Ione Band of Miwok could request an appeal hearing. According to Colburn, the fact that the 3 appeals court judges made a unanimous decision against the MSA, it is possible that the tribe will not go for another appeal. The city council is required to maintain the current MSA until the time has passed for the possible appeal, and then they can officially remove the current agreement.

Other items on the agenda that were approved included a 2.7% increase in the annual fees for Amador Disposal garbage collection which will become effective July 1st, 2007. Also, the contract for the Environmental Impact Report for housing development projects proposed by Reeder Sutherland was approved. There was an update on the Public Restrooms in McGee Park that need to be improved to be up to ADA standards which the city is excepting bids for construction. The subject of the Plymouth Pool was discussed with the knowledge that the pool is need of many improvements.

slide26 Originally when the pool was built back in the 80's, the pool was the responsibility of about 6 different entities including the school district, the Veterans Association and the City of Plymouth. Lately, however, the costs have fallen upon the City's limited budget to maintain the pool. Currently the city council is looking for other ways to fund the pool which is very busy and of great importance to the community, especially during the hot summer months. One possible option is if the city saves some of the $45,000 received for park improvements from the Amador County Recreation Agency. Some of the money may be able to be redirected toward the pool costs. Another option is to possibly start offering classes at the pool, and the concept of a swim team. Also discussed was the possibility of the citizens of Plymouth conducting a fund raiser of some kind to offset the maintenance and improvement costs.

Read 775 times Last modified on Friday, 28 August 2009 02:08