Tuesday, 22 May 2007 23:38

Sutter Creek City Council Discusses CFD’s & Mello Roos Bonds For Powder House Estates

slide16On Monday’s Agenda for the Sutter Creek City Council meeting was an item that drew quite a crowd. The Goals and Policies Document regarding the Community Facilities District and Powder House Estates was discussed as well as the concerns expressed regarding  a Mello Roos Bond, specifically the problems that Ione experienced with the program. Mark Northcross spoke to Ione’s problem and explained that the Bond money went in before the developer began the project and money promised by the developer never materialized. The difference with Sutter Creek would be that the Bonds would not be sold until the Public Improvements were under construction, and largely completed. The cost of public improvements includes approximately $4 million, and would be financed up to 75%, the developer of Powder House Estates would be paying $1 million out of pocket.

slide18 However, the Construction loan would be for the full $4 million and the $3 million would be reimbursed. The Goals and Policies concerning the Use of the Mello Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 was approved with Council Member Pat Crosby as the sole contester. The declaration of intention to establish the community facilities District and the levying of a special tax to finance the construction and acquisition of facilities and fees was also approved Monday night on a vote of 4-1 with Crosby opposing. And finally the approval of resolution to incur bonded indebtedness to finance the payment of development fees and that acquisition and construction in order to mitigate the impacts of development with the CFD was approved with Crosby again opposing. Crosby will be joining us today on the noon news to discuss the agenda item. There was the Notice of Public Hearing concerning the Formation of the Communities Facilities District on July 2nd at 7:30 pm.

Also to appear on the agenda was the formal relinquishment of Highway 49, upon receipt of the $3.1 million dollar check from Caltrans, which was received at City Hall on May 14, 2007. There were however, some concerns regarding ADA improvements that must be made in regards to Main Street Sutter Creek, for which Cal Tran’s staff has committed to providing additional funding to accomplish the necessary work, there is a meeting scheduled this Thursday to talk about such topics. Another topic to be addressed is the reorientation of Hwy. 49 and its impact turning out of the dental offices owned by Dr. Lionel Richards.

slide20 This situation is currently considered a safety hazard. There were multiple suggestions including a no left turn sign, and possibly a curb with an island that would prevent the turns altogether. Although these suggestions would improve safety in the area- they do nothing for the convenience of patrons trying to get in and out of the complex. No formal decision was made, as there is a meeting with Cal Trans Thursday and ongoing negotiations are on the agenda for that meeting. The relinquishment was approved. ACTC Executive Director Charles Field addressed the Council on Monday night to make a formal request to Sutter Creek to use the relinquishment funds that they received solely for transportation related purposes. Mayor Tim Murphy countered that the money came with no strings attached, so why would the council put strings on it now? The funds will remain discretionary funds, however the most likely use for the funds will be transportation related.