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Tuesday, 19 June 2007 23:09

Jackson Planning Commission Discusses Signs

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slide10A businesses owners request to place an illuminated sign on their building on Main Street generated a discussion of what is allowed under City codes for the Historic area. Marcia Alexander requested to install a 40.5 square foot illuminated sign that would be attached to the existing sing on the roof at the rear of the building which faces Hwy. 88. The illuminated sign will situated over the existing mounted sign as it will provide the support for the proposed sign.
slide12 City Planner Susan Peters said, Section 17.60.165 allows for roof mounted signs providing the applicant obtain Planning Commission approval and the sign be mounted on a single story building less than 35 feet tall. Peters said Amador Fireside appears to be less than 35 feet tall. Public members suggested that Alexander continue illuminating the sign with spot lights, but Alexander said the spot lights are not very efficient as she has to replace them often. The public also suggested that the lettering on the proposed sign be “historic looking.” Commissioner Dave Butow pointed out that in the City Code it does allow for illuminated signs in historic areas, however the sign background must be opaque while only the letters are illuminated. The Commission approved the proposed sign with the condition that it be consistent with City Code and the background of the sign be opaque only allowing the letters to be illuminated. The sign was approved with the finding that the proposed sign is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Sign Ordinance.
Read 718 times Last modified on Friday, 28 August 2009 02:08