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Thursday, 26 July 2007 01:37

Jackson City Council Discusses CBDG Program

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slide9On Monday night the Jackson City Council held a public hearing for the Community Development Block Grant Program. City Manager Mike Daly explained that the program, also known as CDBG, provides income that is used to support housing rehabilitation activities. The City generates income by previous CDBG housing rehabilitation loans being paid back by the borrower. The borrower must meet specifically targeted income guidelines before they can be approved for the loan.

slide12 In a memo to the Council Daly said, “Program income is administered by Mercy Housing of California through a sub-recipient agreement with the City of Jackson. Jurisdictions receiving these grants typically must submit an annual performance report to the State Housing and Community Development Department showing the progress of the grants.” Thus far “the City of Jackson has funded four rehabilitation projects over the last year,” said Daly, “totaling $119,440 out of a beginning loan pool of $300,000.” In the past the city has granted loans to local agencies such as ATCAA and Operation Care for improvement and rehabilitation of their facilities. He also noted that Mercy Housing is working to identify other homeowners to expend funds for rehabilitation purposes, as well as looking into the economic development projects as the CBDG has the potential of securing funding for business loans.  

slide15 The recommendation before the council was to authorize Daly to sign the forms so Mercy Housing can submit them to the Housing and Community Development Department for approval, and to also hold a public hearing so the Council can accept comment regarding programs and activities for future CBDG applications. Joyce Stone of the Amador Child Care Council was the only person to comment and she said in the past the city has had success “partnering with social services agencies.” She also noted that there is a dire need for licensed child care centers in the city of Jackson as there currently not a single center. “We have family child care homes but no licensed centers. We lost a center from across the Jackson Elementary school in 2004 and the need continues to grow,” said Stone. She suggested that the loans be used for construction purposes so the construction of new child care centers can take place. Council Member RosaLee Pryor-Escamilla asked about the business loan portion of CBDG, and if that portion was meant to eliminate slums and blight within a city and Daly said yes it is, but that more research needs to be done on that aspect of a program. The Council made a motion for Manager Daly to sign the Grantee Performance Report for submission to the State Office of Housing and Community Development.

Read 662 times Last modified on Friday, 28 August 2009 02:08