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Sunday, 17 June 2007 23:47

Amador Water Agency Meeting: Light Agenda This Time

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slide13The Amador Water Agency Board of Directors meeting was short and to the point on Thursday as the Board had 2 main items before them. The first item that the board reviewed was a nomination to the Association of California Water Agencies or ACWA region 3. According to the ACWA website, “Since ACWA was founded in 1910, representing and providing key services to members has been ACWA’s most important charge.

From legislation, to regulatory activity, to broad policy issues, ACWA is on the front lines in Sacramento and in Washington, D.C. as a constant and respected advocate for California’s public water agencies. ACWA’s involvement at the state and federal level has helped shape laws and policies that affect ACWA member agencies and their customers.” Over the past 6 years, General Manager Jim Abercrombie has served as the agency’s representative for the Region 3 board of directors. Abercrombie explained that Region 3 is composed of water districts such as El Dorado Irrigation District,

slide14 Nevada Irrigation District, Placer County Water Agency, Georgetown Divide Public Utilities District, Tuolumne Utilities District and the Amador Water Agency. “Participation on the Region 3 Board helps promote the Agency’s interests to ACWA and State governmental organizations. Participation in this organization is part of the Agency’s long-term Strategic Plan,” said Abercrombie. After very little discussion the Board nominated Abercrombie to continue serving as Region 3’s representative. Next on the agenda was proposed Amendments to the Water Code Respecting Use of Recycled Water.

slide15 The AWA Board of Directors adopted the use of a recycled water provision in the AWA Water Code a few years ago. The intent was to require customers to use recycled water from non domestic purposes when available. Abercrombie said the proposed revision is concerning language- specifically from “shall” to “may” provide the Agency more flexibility to promote the use of recycled water. Staff recommended that the Board of Directors adopt the Resolution, however the actual adoption of the resolution was delayed until their June 28th meeting. The June 28th meeting is proving to become quite the agenda with this resolution amendment, adoption of the agency’s upcoming fiscal year budget, and discussion and supposed adoption of the Agency’s proposed rate plan increase. The regular meeting will be held at the AWA offices at 9 am on Thursday June 28th.

Read 547 times Last modified on Friday, 28 August 2009 02:08