A recent case to appear before the board prompted the issue and at their May 8th meeting the Board directed staff to agendize a resolution of intention for their consideration as to whether the board wants to proceed with review and possibly amend the code pertaining to sea-land storage. During the Board’s discussion Chairman Louis Boitano made it very clear that he was in favor of amending the section pertaining to residential areas and asked that the Board consider the section exempt as he feels it already adequately addresses the situation and visual concerns.
Supervisor Forster countered that he did not necessarily think the residential portion will be amended, but that the board should review the entire ordinance because there are other areas that could use some refinement. In the end the resolution of intention to revise the county code section was passed on a 3-1 vote, with Supervisors Forster, Novelli, and Oneto voting to amend the entire county code pertaining to sea-land containers and Boitano voting against it as he voiced he wanted the residential portion to be exempt. Escamilla was not present at the meeting to vote on the matter.