Monday, 11 June 2007 02:02
Lungren Introduces Bill To Change Indian Gaming Regulatory Act

This would be required to be researched and
provided for before such lands would be eligible for gaming. Generally, under
IGRA lands obtained by a tribe are not allowed to be developed as casinos, however IGRA does provide for
some exceptions such as the exception used by the Ione Band of Mi-wok Indians:
the claim of a landless tribe that has been restored to Federal recognition.
Specifically, Lungren’s bill Amends the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act to not allow certain newly acquired
lands, which have been taken into trust by the Secretary of the Interior for
the benefit of a certain Indian Tribe, to conduct gaming on such lands
when the Secretary, after consultation with the Tribe and appropriate state and
local officials, including officials of other nearby tribes, determines that a
gaming establishment on those newly acquired lands would be detrimental to the
surrounding community. This bill is in the
first stage of the legislative process where the bill is considered in
committee and may undergo significant changes in markup sessions. The bill has
been referred to the following House Natural Resources Committee.