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slide7The Amador County Planning Commission’s denial of a use permit for two sea land containers to be used as storage buildings prompted one property owner to appeal the decision to the Board of Supervisors as well as request that the entire ordinance regarding sea land containers be revamped. Ellen Ling had previously addressed the Planning Commission and requested a use permit to allow for both of her containers to be situated on a single parcel. According to County code only one container is allowed per parcel and the container must be within 6 feet of a residence or building and be painted colors that do not draw attention to the structure.
slide14A seat has opened on the Amador County Chamber of Commerce of after the resignation of former Supervisor and rancher Tom Bamert. Bamert’s letter of resignation is dated April 16th and addressed to the President of the Chamber Jack Mitchell. According to Bamert his decision to resign is based on the fact that the Chamber has reserved a place on a committee for the Buena Vista Band of Me-Wuk Indians. The committee in question is the Tourism Committee which is one of three committees that are structured by the Chamber. Bamert states that he quote “could not believe my eyes when I looked at the Committee Listings for the Chamber and saw that the “Buena Vista Rancheria” was included on the Tourism Committee.”
slide12The Amador Water agency convened from their regular meeting today for a special meeting at 9:30 to honor Kim Toma who has served as the clerk to the board for 19 years. Kim began her career at the AWA has the first and only Executive Secretary and Clerk to the Board. General Manager Jim Abercrombie named some of the challenges that she has faced in her career as well as noted that that she “maintained her composure” and joked “well most of the time.” The board presented Toma with a resolution thanking her for all her hard work. Kim said it’s been a fun ride- it’s been great. It’s been a fun place to work and I tell that to everyone I talk to.” Cris Thompson will become the agency’s new Executive Secretary and Clerk to the Board.
slide2In front of a packed crowd last night the Jackson Planning Commission reviewed the findings of fact and statements of overriding considerations for the Jackson Hills project located off of French Bar Road. Jackson Hills, LLC is proposing a residential community consisting of 540 homes, an eighteen hole golf course, including a clubhouse, restaurant and maintenance facilities, a recreation and community center spa, a three acre park and all necessary roadway and infrastructure improvements associated and supporting the site development. The project is proposed in two phases. Phase one includes 150 homes and the golf course amenities, while Phase 2 includes the remaining 390 residential lots and proposed park.
slide14The Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority, Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Council (Council) and Central Sierra Resource Conservation and Development (CSRC&D) have announced a joint workshop to provide watershed residents and interested parties with an update on activities completed as part of the Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Assessment and Planning Project, and Council and CSRC&D activities. The date of the workshop is Thursday June 21, 2007 6 p.m. Also, Prior to the public workshop, there will be two meetings at the same location, also open to the public: those are the same date at 3-4:30 p.m.: Central Sierra Resource Conservation & Development and 4:30–6 p.m.: Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Council at the Hotel Leger, 8304 Main Street, Mokelumne Hill CA  95245
slide3Next week the Amador Air District Board will be holding a public hearing on proposed rule changes to district regulations that directly impact 110 local businesses that operate equipment that generates and or controls contaminants. Amador Air District’s Air Pollution Control Officer, Jim Harris, explained, “These proposed rule changes are related to the fees we charge permitted sources for permits to operate equipment…” He added that he is proposing that those fees be raised this year.
Wednesday, 21 February 2007 00:40

ACTC To Discuss Unmet Transportation Needs Again

slide15 The Amador Co. Transportation Commission has changed their meeting location for the meeting that is to be held on February 21st. They will now be meeting at the American Legion Hall at 11350 American Legion Drive, in Martell. The commission is to take another look at the unmet transportation needs with special emphasis on a Saturday bus service to Kirkwood. The unmet transportation needs public hearing began in November of 2006, but was continued due to an active group of citizens who wanted to research what transportation needs really are unmet in the County. Raised at the public hearing continued in January were 5 basic recommendations by the group of active citizens who serve on the Social Services Transportation Advisory Council.
slide4The worst possible news out of Iraq for one Amador County mother was received Saturday afternoon when the family of 21 year old Private First Class Jay-D Ornsby-Adkins was notified of his death while fighting for his country in Iraq. Serving with the US Army, Jay-D was a 2005 graduate of Northstar Independence Study, the Amador County Unified Independent Study Program. Ornsby Adkins and two other soldiers died Apr. 28 in Salman Pak, Iraq, of wounds suffered when their vehicle was struck with an improvised explosive device and small arms fire during combat operations. They were assigned to the 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Benning, Ga. Jay-D was newly married to his wife Ashley in March. JD’s hometown of Ione has reacted with sadness and shock and has established a makeshift memorial to the soldier the downtown area. The Board of Supervisors also declared yesterday that all the County flags be flown at half staff in honor of Jay-D and his family and the sacrifice they have made for our Country.
Friday, 23 March 2007 05:08

Draft of New Septic Regulations Released

slide2Assembly Bill 885 is legislation related to statewide minimum standards for onsite sewage treatment systems. The bill was signed in to law by Governor Gray Davis on September 28, 2000. The bill was sponsored by the California Association of Environmental Health Administrators (CAEHA) and was introduced by Assembly Member Hannah Beth Jackson in February 1999. The exact language and rules for the law have been under consideration since that time with this month a draft document was released. These new policies, if adopted by the state, will impact those county residents currently living on septic systems with over a 5000 gallon tank.
slide23The Amador County General Plan Committee has released a working paper that creates a foundation for preparing the goals, policies, and programs in the Amador County General Plan related to infrastructure, public facilities, and services. The General Plan policies related to infrastructure, public facilities, and services will ensure that county residents maintain sufficient facilities needed for the delivery of vital community services and functions such as water, sewage, stormwater, communications, and solid waste reduction and recycling. An efficient and reliable infrastructure is vital to any communities’ health, safety, livability, and economic well-being.